Feral Goat Wanders Into Open Field, Causing Chaos

2023-04-27 10:02:55 By : admin
Raising goats is becoming an increasingly popular trend among farmers and homesteaders. Goats are hardy animals that can provide milk, meat, fiber, and even companionship. However, owning goats comes with its own set of challenges. One of the biggest challenges is keeping them contained in a secure pen.

Goats are notorious for their Houdini-like escape abilities. They are curious and intelligent animals that will test the limits of any fence. If there is a weak spot in the fence, a goat will surely find it and use it to its advantage.
Goat | The New Yorker

One example of this is the story of a goat gone feral. According to The New Yorker, a goat had been living on the streets of Brooklyn for several months. It was unclear where it came from, but all signs pointed to the fact that it was once someone's pet. The goat would roam the streets and hang out in a local park, often causing a stir among the city dwellers.

It was eventually discovered that the goat had made its way into the park through an open fence. The fence had been damaged and not properly repaired, allowing the goat to wander in and out as it pleased. This is a prime example of how important it is to maintain a secure goat pen.

So, what makes a good goat pen? First and foremost, it must be sturdy and secure. Goats are strong and can easily push or break through flimsy fencing. The pen should also be tall enough to prevent jumping and climbing. A height of at least 4 feet is recommended.

The next important factor is the space. Goats need ample room to move around and exercise. A pen that is too small will not only be uncomfortable for the goats but can also lead to health problems. A good rule of thumb is to provide at least 10 square feet of space per goat.

Another important consideration is shelter. Goats need protection from the elements, whether it be extreme heat or cold. A simple three-sided shelter made of sturdy materials like wood or metal is usually sufficient. The flooring of the shelter should be raised off the ground to keep it dry and clean.

Finally, a good goat pen should have easy access for the owner. This makes it easier to clean and maintain the pen and to feed and water the goats. It's also important to make sure that the pen is located in an area that is convenient for the owner, yet still safe and secure for the goats.

In summary, owning goats can be a rewarding experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Keeping them contained in a secure pen is essential to their well-being and safety. A good goat pen should be sturdy, spacious, sheltered, and easy to access. With proper care and attention, your goats will thrive in their new home. So go ahead, invest in a good goat pen, and enjoy the many benefits of raising these delightful animals!